Australian Technical Analysts Association

ATAA - Marketing
Australian Technical Analysts Association

 (This resource might soon be moved across to the new ATAA web site)

Marketing materials for use by
ATAA Chapters and others

There are a number of materials available to ATAA Chapter Councillors and others
to promote the ATAA.

The A5 flyers in the stand

The A5 Flyers

In April 2013 the ATAA is launching a series of four new A5-sized flyers to help promote some of the key features of ATAA membership.

They are designed to help existing members maximise the benefits of ATAA membership, and for use at Chapter meetings and Trading/Investing Expos to help promote the ATAA and our membership features.

The photo at right shows the set of four flyers sitting in a 4-tier brochure stand. Each ATAA Chapter needs to purchase one of these stands (and bill the ATAA for the expense), and keep it stocked with just a few flyers (available from the ATAA office in Sydney). They can be purchased from Officeworks for under $35. Note this is a 4-tier, A5-size, portrait configuration brochure stand (the one pictured is a Deflecto brand).

A4-size PDF versions of these documents will soon be available for you to download and/or print out for your own use.

The four topics currently covered in these flyers are as follows:

DVD Library - A description of how members can access the DVD Library, and borrow the DVD disks. The flip side of the flyer lists some of the available DVD titles. DVD Library - front DVD Library - flip side
Suggested Resources - Just a few sample book and DVD titles that are recommended reading / viewing for newbies, and intermediates. Suggested Resources - front Suggested Resources - flip side
Formal Education - Some introductory information about the formal eduation on offer - what it is, and how to get more details. Formal Education - front Formal Education - flip side
Popular Charting Tools 
& Data Providers
- A list on the front page of popular charting tools used by many of the ATAA members, with a list of some data providers on the flip side.
Popular Charting Tools - front Data Providers - flip side

The official ATAA blue flyer

The official Blue Flyer

The ATAA has an official national marketing flyer (double-sided) - "Realise Your Market Edge", also referred to affectionately as "the Blue Flyer".
[Flyer updated July 2012.]

It is useful to have a few of these on the Visitor Registration table at chapter meetings.
Order quantities from our national office in Sydney.
Contact our Administration Secretary (Anna) by phone or email. You can also download a PDF version of it here.
Visitor and New Member Information Sheet

Welcome to our Chapter
Visitor Information Sheet

Some chapters have a "Visitor & New Member Information Sheet" to give to visitors and new members at the chapter meetings.
You can download a Microsoft Word (.doc) version of the Melbourne sheet here, and customise it for your own Chapter.

Any other materials or handouts can be shared here as well. Please email to Robert with the details (email address below).
Emails to Chapter Councilors

Special emails to Chapter Councillors

In 2012 we started writing occasional emails to all Chapter Councillors, providing information and support to help them in their roles within the Chapter Council.

Past emails are currently temporarily
stored in this archive.

Updates to email addresses for this should be sent directly to Robert Brain, and feedback is always welcome (email address below).

ATAA Chapter Marketing

The ATAA Chapters are invited to nominate one of their members to be the local Chapter Marketing Coordinator.
Refer to the guidelines sheet, and
the list of current coordinators.

About the ATAA

The Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA) is a not-for-profit association that has the primary aim of promoting the correct use of technical analysis. Membership consists of both professional technical analysts and private individuals who use technical analysis to assist with decisions related to trading and investing in the financial markets. The focus of the Association is the provision of education and networking to enable members to be more effective traders and investors. (Source:-

The ATAA Vision

We aim to be the foremost organisation for the advancement of, and education in, Technical Analysis and related trading and investing skills. (Revised 2016)

Mission statement

To assist our members through mutual support, guidance and the sharing of knowledge, to develop their confidence and proficiency in understanding and participating in financial markets by the application of Technical Analysis and related trading and investing skills. (Revised 2016)

ATAA tag line

The knowledge network for successful financial market trading and investing

More details

Visit the official ATAA web site for more information:

Questions or feedback?

Please feel free to direct questions or feedback regarding this material to the undersigned. Happy to make changes and improvements.

About the author/sponsor

Robert is a share market analyst, part-time share trader, consultant and educator, and provided the materials above as a part of his earlier role as ATAA Director (Marketing and Member Services). These materials will one day be posted and available from the official ATAA web site. In the meantime, Robert is hosting this ATAA information on his Share Market Toolbox web site.

The "About ATAA" slides have come from the set that Neil Godwin created in 2010, and which have now been updated. The "What is TA?" slides are a sub-set of Robert's "Technical Analysis Intro" seminar that runs four times each year in Melbourne.

Robert B Brain
ATAA Member

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Last revised: 21 January 2021