BullCharts - Getting Started #2

Watchlists, Chart layout, Time periods

Also see the basic Getting Started - Introduction to BullCharts.

Here is a useful list of the Next Steps to
help you get going with using

Next Steps

(Any items marked "BC-xx-yyy" are some of Robert's pdf Articles in the public area of the Share Market Toolbox, some of which are free, and others are available only to Share Market Toolbox Members).
  1. Watchlists
    Set up and manage one (or more) watchlists to record your list(s) of favourite stocks, and any current holdings. See Robert's BullCharts KnowledgeBase. Note key points:
    • Security Manager and watchlistsThe Security Manager
      (in the Control Panel), already includes various lists of all stocks on the Australian market (grouped by index, or sector). It also includes the Watchlist facility.
    • Two lists of stocks
      You might have two lists of stocks that you want to follow - your current holdings (portfolio), and a list of favourite stocks to watch. So, create two Watchlists (or many).
    • Many lists of stocks
      You might have many lists of stocks to monitor - you can create one or more "folders" and have one or more Watchlists within each Watchlist Folder.
  2. The chart layout - 
    Set up your preferred price chart layout for your "default" chart and save it as a BullCharts Template. What is a Template? How does this work? See Getting Started #4 for more details.
  3. Different time periods - (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
    Chart Style ToolbarNote how quick and easy it is to switch a chart from one time period to another using the drop-down options in the Chart Style toolbar.
    If you want to have, say, two charts open - one Daily and one Weekly - you can have multiple price charts on the one screen. See the Multiple Price Charts item in Robert's BullCharts KnowledgeBase, especially the link to Tip Sheet 18.

  4. Float a window
    Menu option - Window - FloatIf you have more than one computer monitor and you want to put a price chart over onto the other monitor, use the Float Window menu option. Note the other options on this Window menu item, to "Tile" multiple price charts on the screen.

  5. Scans -
    Setting up a scan and specifying your selection criteria to search through a list of stocks to find those that meet your selection criteria. See the Introduction to Scans (6 minute YouTube video).
    Each scan is defined in a separate disk file outside the BullCharts system. Existing scans can be easily customised, or new ones created, or someone else's custom scan can be downloaded and saved.
    See How To Download and Save a Custom Scan (8 min video).
    Also note the Articles in Robert's BullCharts KnowledgeBase.
    See more on scans on the next "Next Steps" web page...

The Next Steps?

See Getting Started page #3 - Scans and market filters.

Note: Some of Brainy's Articles that might be listed above are publicly available, but many are only available to Toolbox Members.

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Last revised: 16 August 2018.