BullCharts - Getting Started #5

More about indicators, and BullScript

Also see the basic Getting Started - Introduction to the product.

Here is a useful list of the Next Steps to
help you get going with using

More about indicators and BullScript

Any items marked "BC-xx-yyy" are some of Robert's pdf Articles in the public area of the Share Market Toolbox, some of which are free, and others are available only to Share Market Toolbox Members:
  1. Indicators - more about chart indicators in BullCharts -
    Even though there are about 270 chart indicators already supplied with BullCharts, you might want to customise one. This is not hard, using the built-in BullScript editor tool.
    See the How-To Customise Indicator using BullScript video (11 minutes). This video walks through using the BullScript editor to copy and then customise the Bollinger Bands indicator to produce a pair of bands that are not two standard deviations from the middle curve, but with the upper and lower bands at three standard deviations and two standard deviations respectively.
  2. BullScript -
    The above video demonstrates some basics about using the BullScript editor to customise a chart indicator, and is a good introduction. Also see the BullCharts KnowledgeBase
    article KB013 "BullScript for Beginners.pdf" on the official BullCharts website.
  3. Getting Started with BullScript -
    This is the official BullScript manual (2009) that is normally included withe a BullCharts installation (you should be able to find it in the BullCharts program directory). If you can't find it, download the 2009 version from here.
  4. BullScript - a Primer -  (UPDATED 19 August 2016)
    This is a document I started work on a while ago, and which is not yet completed. However, it has had some major enhancements since the Melbourne User Group meeting in August 2016. 
    You can download this primer here
Note: Some of Brainy's Articles that might be listed above are publicly available, but many are only available to Toolbox Members.

The Next Steps?

See Getting Started page #6 - How to use BullCharts?.
Note: Some of Brainy's Articles that might be listed above are publicly available, but many are only available to Toolbox Members.

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Last revised: 16 August 2018.