BullCharts User Group

An opportunity for like-minded investors and traders to meet together in person or online to discuss:
the markets, trading/investing ideas and strategies, and (of course) using BullCharts software

Free monthly meetings in Melbourne (since 2006) and
free web-based monthly
webinar sessions (since 2015)

Quick Links

Robert's BullCharts KnowledgeBase

The official BullCharts
YouTube channel

Webinar schedule

RSVP (using Eventbrite) for the next Melbourne
User Group meeting
OR for the webinar

Latest session Agenda 

Latest User Group
Meeting Minutes 

User Group Member
Benefits (at right)

and Melb meeting dates

Melb meeting details (below, right hand column) - venue, meeting topics and dates  

Summary doc - A sample summary of a 12 month period of the User Group activities.

User Group FAQs   

The official
BullCharts Users'
Discussion Forum

Software Support 

BullCharts official
web site

Key details
about the User Group

RSVP for the next meeting...

We are now using Eventbrite to record the RSVP responses for our monthly meetings for both the Melbourne sessions and the online Webinar meetings.
Submit your RSVP here now.

How do we meet?

Once each month, the Melbourne users get together for a 2 hour session, and one week later, users from all around Australia are welcome to join in the web-based webinar session (runs for about one hour, or a little more).

The web-based webinar session for all remote users

In the monthly web-based session we basically repeat any discussion, presentation and demonstration from the Melbourne meeting the week before (we utilise both the agenda and minutes from the Melbourne meeting). There is ample opportunity to ask questions, and to see BullCharts features demonstrated live. See the schedule and registration links for the Remote Users Webinar meetings.

What do we do?

At our User Group meetings we cover a lot of different things, including a discussion about BullCharts software (features, how-to, etc.), and trading styles, techniques and situations. And we try to talk about the state of the market as well (if time permits)!

When does the User Group meet? 

The Melbourne face-to-face meetings of the BullCharts User Group are usually the third Tuesday of each month. See the User Group flyer for a list of future meeting dates (if an old version of the document is displayed, you might need to "Refresh" your browser window). The webinar meetings are usually one week later.
See the current schedule of User Group webinar events.

Do you have to have BullCharts already?

You don't have to be a BullCharts user to attend. You are quite welcome to come along to just view the product and see how it works.

How to Trial BullCharts?

It is possible to trial BullCharts for 2 weeks for free. No obligation. Full version of the software. Trial includes End of Day data downloads for two weeks. See details here.

Are you an investor or trader?

It doesn't matter. Many of our user group "members" are only part-time traders or investors. Or they are just starting out and still learning about it all.

Fees or obligations?

Being a user group "member" carries no obligation - we don't charge fees, there is no commitment. Perhaps that is why there are lots of people who are interested in the meetings.

How big is the meeting?

Post-COVID, in 2024, the Melbourne meeting regularly has about 5 to 10 people at meetings, so it is a good number for round table discussion, and the Webinar meetings tend to have about 8 to 15 people. 

User Group - Member BENEFITS

The Australian BullCharts User Group is FREE - There is no cost to join the User Group. It is run by BullCharts users, for BullCharts users.

User Group benefits

  • Mix with like-minded investors and traders to share knowledge about the markets, strategies, and how to effectively use BullCharts charting software.
  • Attend monthly Melbourne User Group meetings (in Chadstone), and join in discussions to learn more about both technical analysis and the BullCharts software.
  • Participate in the monthly "remote users" user group webinar.
  • Share ideas and experiences with other users.
  • User Group membership is free.
  • Get more information about technical analysis, and events and activities (eg. investor seminars and forums run by other organisations).
  • Software support is available.
  • Special training is available.

User Group webinars for "remote" users

The monthly user group webinar over the internet is for anyone who wants to participate. We use a web-based tool to share the presenter's PC screen to display information and a live demonstration of BullCharts software tips, hints and how-to sessions. 
See Remote User Group webinar details here...

User Group - Latest UPDATE

May 2024 - From this month the Melbourne User Group is meeting on the third Tuesday each month at a new venue - the Matthew Flinders Hotel - see address and venue links at right.

December 2023 - Well, COVID-19 is mostly behind us now, and people are getting used to venturing out again. Our in-person user group meetings are getting back to normal, and the webinars have continued, and another year is almost behind us.

May 2022 - The face-to-face User Group meetings are back in full swing, and now at a new venue - the Forester's Arms Hotel, just 200 metres from the former meeting venue (see more details in sidebar at right). Meeting in the Bistro for dinner and/or a drink from 6pm, with the meeting in the adjacent meeting / function room at 7:30pm sharp. Plenty of parking at the rear.

January 2021 - The face-to-face Melbourne meetings at the Leighoak Hotel have now re-commenced, with coronavirus restrictions lifted enough to allow group meetings such as this. The user group webinars have continued throughout the period with no interruption.

March 2020 - The face-to-face Melbourne meetings at the Leighoak Hotel are not scheduled for the foreseeable future due to the coronavirus lock-down. But the monthly webinar sessions are continuing.

July 2019 - The User Group continues to meet monthly on a Wednesday night at the Leighoak Club Hotel in Oakleigh, with the User Group webinar one week later. The BullCharts company continues to sponsor the user group by paying the $100 venue usage fee each month.

September 2018 - The User Group continues to meet monthly on a Wednesday night, with the User Group webinars one week later.

January 2016 - BullSystems / Weblink sponsor the meeting group venue cost. The Melbourne venue (Leighoak Hotel) has been charging a room-hire fee ($100 per time) since late 2010. We did consider a venue change, but the BullCharts company in Sydney (BullSystems / Weblink) have offered to sponsor this cost, and they have agreed to do so again for the next year. So we are staying at this venue.

July 2014 - BullSystems (Weblink) sponsor the webinar meeting costs.
PLEASE NOTE: For the earlier webinar meetings we were using a free webinar hosting tool, which did suffice initially; but did not really do the job properly. An alternate tool was used for a few months (for a small fee), and also proved not adequate. A more professional webinar hosting tool has been used since (about $55 per month), and again the BullSystems (Weblink) company have been happy to cover this cost.

About the User Group - The Australian BullCharts User Group (Melbourne chapter) has been running since July 2006, with 12 meetings each year - the market does not stop over Christmas, so we don't stop either.

More than 80 people have registered interest, and we often have between 10 and 20 regulars at the monthly meetings. This is a nice comfortable number for round table discussions, plus questions and answers. A week after the meetings we have the "Remote Users" webinar session.

User Group meeting agenda - The meeting discussion/agenda typically includes things like:

  1. “Favourite Indicator” presentation and discussion. A bit of theory about a technical analysis indicator, and how to use it, and the optional settings in BullCharts to customise the indicator. Past indicator topics include: RSI, Bollinger Bands, MACD, Stop Loss.
  2. Trading styles, attitudes and strategies (BullCharts includes more than 30 built-in “Author Strategies”).
  3. Using BullCharts for Scans (for stock selection).
  4. General discussion on technical analysis.
  5. Recent trading successes (“hot stocks”? and how did we find it?).
  6. Real live BullCharts demonstrations, including useful tips, on things like BullCharts Toolbars and Toolbar Buttons.
See the latest meeting agenda.

User Group Presentations

Over the years there have been a few presentations to the user group meetings, and some of the presentation slides are available here....

User Group Webinar recordings

Some portions of some of the user group webinars are recorded (in particular, the demonstration of key BullCharts features). See those recordings here...

And there are many edited recordings of our webinars on the official BullCharts YouTube channel:

ASX Share Market Game

The user group members often participate in the ASX Share Market Game. We have two players' Leagues to help keep track of our own performances. BullCharts users are welcome to join our league(s) and participate with other members.
More information is in this ASX Game doc.

User Group
Webinar meeting recordings

Sometimes a part of the monthly Remote User Group webinar sessions are recorded, and carefully edited and available for you to view.
See the User Group Webinar recordings.

Also, many snippets of useful information have been posted to the "BullCharts - Getting Started" pages, and
to the BullCharts KnowledgeBase.

Did you know?

BullCharts charting software is a tool to help you analyse price charts. To be able to use it effectively you do need to know something about the subject of Technical Analysis.
Robert's Share Market Toolbox includes a variety of information on this subject, including:
Or you can see the Toolbox Gateway for a detailed list of the Toolbox contents.

ATAAMore information about Technical Analysis is available from the ATAA (Australian Technical Analysts Association) - a not-for-profit association run by members for members. (Robert is a Victorian Chapter Committee member, and a National Director).

Melbourne MEETINGS - details

From early 2024 the user group has been meeting at the Matthew Flinders Hotel, located at: 667 Warrigal Rd, Chadstone.

Arrive at 6:00pm for drinks and
a social chat over dinner in the bistro
(or just for a chat).
Meeting starts at 7:30pm in
the adjacent Function Room.
BUT, please RSVP to make sure we have
enough chairs (for dinner or the meeting).


Sample meeting agenda items,
plus dates for the current six month period;
and contact phone number are
all in the Notice of Meeting pdf file.

Software Support

BullCharts software support is available in a number of ways:

  1. Attend the monthly Melbourne meetings and join in the discussion and ask questions during the meeting agenda item "How do I do this... in BullCharts?"
  2. Remote support is available. Robert provides this service for a very small fee. More details here.

User's files and Google Drive

The User Group is now using the Google Drive facility to store presentations, users' custom indicators, etc. Please contact the User Group moderator for access, and for more information.

Paper trading and Games

In recent years the user group has trialed a couple of ways to perform back-testing or paper trading within the group. We ran a #100k Portfolio, and we ran a Stock Picking Game.

The $100k Portfolio - We ran this for a few months from 2015-2017, and we developed a group Trading Plan and Strategy document, and a Trading Journal. However, we found that the diverse opinions of traders and investors around the meeting table made it impossible to continue this as one group, and so the idea was abandoned. See the following documents and files:

2021 Stock Picking Game - At the January 2020 Melbourne meeting of the user group, the meeting agreed to run a stock-picking / portfolio game and agreed on a set of “rules”. This game equally applied to the remote users who participate in the BCUG via the monthly webinar meeting. For the very same reason that the $100k Portfolio initiative above didn't really work, this one didn't either. See the game rules and more details in this PDF download file...  Or see the list of relevant game files (including the tracking table) here.

The information presented herein represents the opinions of the web page content owner, and
are not recommendations or endorsements of any product, method, strategy, etc.
For financial advice, a professional and licensed financial advisor should be engaged.

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Last revised: 22 August 2024