Read the honest truth about the sharemarket.
Develop or fine tune your investing/trading strategies
using share price charts (technical analysis), or
learn about the investment strategies of others.

For new and experienced investors and traders.
And beware of the sharks in the ocean!

Believe it or not, but:
Share market price charts summarise the
underlying opinions and emotions
of the market participants.
Every chart tells a story.
It pays to understand the stories in the price charts.

"The best time to prepare for the next bull market is
before the bulls have bolted."
- Robert Brain
Brainy's Share Market Toolbox

Brainy's Share Market Toolbox - a huge collection of information to help advance your understanding of the sharemarket. Suitable for new to intermediate investors and traders.
See the Toolbox MASTER INDEX, or the eBook (PDF) Articles Table of Contents.

Nimble Short Term Investing - Conventional age-old investing advice was severely challenged in the GFC (2008 onwards). Many investors realised there is a need to take a slightly more active approach themselves, using a clever blend of Fundamental and Technical Analysis, AND a Stop Loss to quit the losers early. Read more about the Nimble Short Term Investing approach.

Losing faith in your advisor? Not sure if they are really on your side? Wondering if they really do tell you the whole truth? You might be interested in:-
Read about Robert's underlying philosophy and investing approach...

Lots of Toolbox FREE stuff is available, and lots, lots more for Toolbox Members.

Toolbox Membership is great value!! - Got some questions?

Why Join? What do I get?... see the Members gateway...
How much does it cost?... see the Frequently Asked Questions...
How do I join?.. or join now - it's easy... or just browse the free stuff - no problem.

The Share Market Toolbox HIGHLIGHTS
(click on any of the links below - all freely available)
About the Share Market:
  • Share Market Portal - A web page full of very useful links for daily use
       in navigating the share markets of the world.
  • The Share Market - Background information and useful tips 
       all about the share market, indexes, SMSF, getting started, etc.
  • The truth about Blue Chip shares - Blue chip shares might not be all they are cracked up to be. See the real (disappointing) truth here.
  • Robert's Weekly Watch List - Robert updates his own Watch List
       on a weekly basis and shares it with Premium Toolbox Members.
  • Weekly Market Analysis and Update - Email newsletter analyses the market
       (free preview, but the serious stuff is MA*).
  • Which stocks are in each index? - Downloadable CSV files
       which contains a list of the stocks in each index, 
       including: market cap, 52-week high/low, EPS, PE, etc.
  • Brainy's "3Ways Rule in 3Times".Brainy's "3Ways Rule (in 3Times)" - Describes the importance
       of uptrends and downtrends, and how to understand them.
  • Brainy's GEMS - Many Wall Street cliches and pearls of wisdom
       about the global share markets - some of which are furphies!
  • Bull and Bear Markets Analysis - Two+ decades of Aussie markets.
       "Understanding the past can help appreciate 
        what might unfold tomorrow
  • Beware the Bears!! - "10 Key Lessons from the GFC for investors and traders"
       presentation slides and hand-out notes to
       help prepare before the next onslaught.
Funda-Technical Analysis Investing - types, styles, philosophies, approaches
There are many different approaches to studying the market - some are more "accurate" than others.
Charting, Technical Analysis and (Aussie) software
The underlying emotions of fear, greed and hope drive share prices, all of which are reflected in the share price charts and in the volume bars on the chart, and in the characteristics of candlesticks on a candle chart. And successive days or weeks of price movement can form patterns on the chart which also reflect the underlying market sentiment.
The bi-monthly eNews email
A free short email with a different topic-focus each second month.
eBook (pdf) articles:
Useful articles are in PDF format and mostly 4 pages each, on three major topics:
Share Trading, Technical Analysis and BullCharts. Presentation slides:
Seminars and webinars including: 
* - MA (Members Area) Some of the Toolbox materials are free, and some are only available to Toolbox Members in the Members' Area.

Casual Toolbox Users can access the Free stuff.
Or join as a Toolbox Member to gain access to the Toolbox,
then just enter your username and password when prompted.

Brainy's Share Market Toolbox tools can help with:
I do hope you find my Share Market Toolbox useful. Feedback and comments by email are very welcome. If you find anything missing that should be included in my toolbox, please do let me know.

Need customised help? - I can provide support, assistance and tuition with understanding the share market, and with charting (technical analysis), and BullCharts charting software, and with SOHO computer support (that was my last profession before turning trader).

Happy Investing / Trading

Robert Brain  (aka Brainy)
How to contact us...
"The best time to prepare for the next bull market
is before the bulls have bolted."
- Robert Brain

Toolbox Membership?
What do you get? How useful is it?
What's included? How cheap is it?
You can see details (and sign up) here.

ATAARobert is an active member and former national director of the Australian Technical Analysts Association (ATAA), and
actively supports the ATAA.
See more information about the ATAA, and the ATAA Marketing and Conference initiatives,
as well as the technical analysis articles
published in the Fairfax press.

Search using siteLevel search:

The Constant Contact All Star awardMarch 2019

For the seventh year,
Robert has been recognised for the quality of his emails with the Constant Contact All Star Award for efforts in 2018.
See more details here.
Many thanks to all customers, clients and contacts for your interest and responses.
 View Robert Brain's profile on LinkedIn
Follow RBBrain on Twitter

Aussie Business Barometer
Are the local and global economies
on the up or the down?
How is that affecting business?
See the latest Twitter updates here

from Robert's Sharemarket Blog 
of key financial news items.

The Latest Toolbox News items below come
from the Toolbox Blog of new/updated content,
via the RSS feed.

Weekly Candles
Weekly candle chart
This Weekly candlestick chart is updated each week and shows the last few candles (5 to 7 candles). One candle summarises the price action for one calendar week. Toolbox Members can click on the image to see a larger view and read the embedded text notes. The text in the bar across the top of the chart gives the amount of change this last week (in points and percent).

*** TIME of DAY ***
Analogue clocks - 
(no guarantee given for accuracy or otherwise)
New York
More World Market Clocks...
When do stock markets open/close?

Would you like to know how to interpret price charts?
Would you like to get my Weekly Market Analysis?
 or Brainy's FREE BullCharts Tip Sheets?

or information about eBooks and more?
You can register here.

Click here to register interest

For Email Marketing you can trust

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(hopefully they're relevant or useful)
(uses JavaScript)

Comments and feedback. Details here...

** XJO Mth -
More information about the price chart at the top of this web page which shows the XJO index over a long period (opens in a small popup window).
"Scripts and ActiveX"
Do you get messages warning about Scripts and ActiveX when you visit some web sites?
See useful information about that here.

Refresh for latest images? -
The images you see might not be the latest?
See useful information about that here. 

No images in emails?
Sometimes you can't see the images that are included in our emails - apparently it's a common problem. This can be because the email software that some people use is automatically set to "do not display jpeg pictures". This can apply to Outlook and Gmail, and other email programs. To fix this, simply go into the email program Settings, and adjust the settings (see a Google search for more info).

Small images in emails?
Most of the images I include in my Toolbox emails are tiny versions of larger ones. I do this to minimise the size of the email, and to optimise the download time for you to see it on your device, which might be a phone on a poor internet connection. I usually include a link to access a larger version of those images, often just be clicking on the small image.

See a very useful list of Quick Links.

Scan this QR Code from your smart phone
to get the Share Market Toolbox on your phone.
Share Market Toolbox QR Code (scan with your smartphone).
We've made the Share Market Toolbox more smartphone friendly. Including some space around links to make it easier to to click on links.

Search this web site for information on
BullCharts, shares, CFDs,
investing, stock market, or
computers and information technology.

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PLEASE NOTE: The information presented herein represents the opinions of the web page content owner, and
are not recommendations or endorsements of any product, method, strategy, etc.
For financial advice, a professional and licensed financial advisor should be engaged.

Web site hosted by Dynamic Dolphins - the affordable web designers, supportive of small business.
Robert maintains this web site himself with no fancy stuff, and uses the BlueGriffon HTML editor.

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© Copyright 1999-2025, R.B.Brain - Consulting (ABN: 52 791 744 975).
Last revised: 7 March 2025

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